If you need some Window SDK examples to look at, you might give JaxGUI a try.
If you need something to develope with, I would suggest one of the commercial brands. This is only
something to look at and play with. But if you wish to you can use it. Do it at your own risk.
To Make it easy to follow, maybe do a parent and one control. You can see how Text is retrieved
from controls and how selections are detected for ListBoxes, ComboBoxes, Radio Buttons and Checkboxes.
JaxGUI supports Instant Preview if it is unzipped into the compilers directory.
JaxGUI supports Instant Code View, using ccedit, Jfishpro, or NotePad.
There is a Christian content selection in the program's Help Menu, you have to click
on it to view it.
To run the Program, click on Jaxgui with the black screen Icon,
which should setup your console to a window and select bitmap font and then run the program. Running in a window is
required for JaxGUI to display correctly.
This is was new software, if you find any bugs, let me know at this
address: fieldenja@yahoo.com