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ThistleWin form program.

  TWform was created for rapid placement of Controls on a
  Parent Window for the ThistleWin language.
  Most controls supported by Thistle is included in this program.
  A grid is available to help in Parent and control alignment.
  Each control that can be selected are located on buttons.
  Code Preview is supported by the use of NotePad.

  Some selections will write  skeleton subroutines that
  will support their controls.
  ListBoxes and Comboboxes when selected will write
  dummy items which you would want to change.
  The Buttons can be of any size. They have a subroutine
  included in the Code for each one created. If a button
  is named 'Save' or 'Open', a call to the Save or Open dialog
  will be included in their subroutines.
  Buttons named Quit,  Exit, and Close also includes
  QuestionBox and END in their Subs. You can probably use
  these subroutines  as is.
  When you are finished placing controls, click on OK
  and the generated code will be added to your window's
  clipboard. You can paste this in the Thistle's IDE.
  Graphics is now supported in TWform. Rectangles, Lines,
  Ellipses and Bitmaps can be easily located on a window
  by the Form. Make sure your BMP files are located in the
  same directory as ThistleWin.
  Bitmaps now has a few checks, in case the Bitmap is too
  big or File name is incorrect or done wrong. See Text file
  for details.
  There is also a ColorPicker program that can be download
  from Below, In case you don't want to use the Form and
  want to use the colors. The color you choose will get a
  number that works in Forecolor and Backcolor. It is added
  to the Window's ClipBoard for easy placement.
  That's about all there is to it, very simple to use.
  There is Christian content in the Help Menu, you will
  have to click on it to view it.

  You can send bug reports to fieldens@excite.com

DownLoad TW-Form ver 1.6

Download a ColorPicker for ThistleWin

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